What You Should Know Before Buying A New Furnace
Buying a new furnace is a significant investment in your home. But buying a furnace is not like buying furniture or home decoration; you don’t get one because it looks pretty. Before going out for furnace shopping, you need to know your furnace game- the options are too many and confusing.
Some furnaces vary in type, efficiency, size, make, and model, so how do you know which furnace is the best one for you and your unique needs? When to buy a new furnace is another frequent question we get from our customers. When furnace repair is not a way out anymore, investing in a new furnace can be a smart thing to do when done correctly.
Types of Furnaces
There are different types of furnaces available in the market. Here are some of the most common furnace types you will encounter while narrowing down your options:
- Gas Furnace- A gas furnace uses natural gas as its primary fuel source to heat your home. They are powered by a pilot light or an electronic ignition. Gas furnaces are the most common type of furnace used in North America. They offer high efficiency and are relatively inexpensive to operate.
- Oil Furnace- Oil furnaces use oil as their primary fuel source to heat your home. They require a storage tank for the oil and must be refilled periodically. Oil furnaces are not as common as gas furnaces, but they offer a similar efficiency level.
- Electric Furnace- Electric furnaces use electricity as their primary fuel source to heat your home. They are powered by resistive coils that generate heat when an electric current passes through them. Electric furnaces are the most efficient type of furnace, but they can be expensive to operate.
- Propane Furnace- Propane furnaces use propane as their primary fuel source to heat your home. They are similar to gas furnaces but require a storage tank for the propane. Propane furnaces offer a high level of efficiency and are relatively inexpensive to operate.
- Dual Fuel Furnace- Dual fuel furnaces are a type of gas furnace that uses electricity to power the fan. They offer a high level of efficiency and can be less expensive to operate than electric furnaces.
Here at Air Makers, our HVAC technicians have compiled a furnace buying guide to help you effectively avoid any and all types of stress or overwhelm about buying a new furnace. So, read on, and by the end of our guide, you will know how to select a furnace and when is the best month to buy a new furnace.
ProTip #1: When To Buy A New Furnace
Let’s just put it simply: you don’t just go out and buy a new furnace whenever you want. You need to consider the following things first:
- How old is your furnace? A typical furnace will stay with you for 15 to 25 years, but it will need changing after that (in case it has been running smoothly all these years).
- Does your furnace work properly? If your furnace’s performance is not optimal, it takes too much time to heat the house, the heat is not sufficient, it makes too much sound, etc. then it’s time to change.
- Does your furnace cost you a lot? Take a look at your energy bills every month. Do you see a considerable increase? Maybe your furnace is running up your bill due to poor performance. It, then, needs changing.
- Do you hear strange noises? Is your furnace making noises straight out of a horror movie? Loud running, rattles, banging sounds? You may hear some sounds during the years of your furnace operation, but these may be small damages, which are easily fixed.
So, if you have answered yes to these questions, then you need to change furnaces. However, the same thing applies: don’t just go out and buy a new furnace whenever you want. Furnaces are expensive appliances, so you need to do some smart shopping. Take a look at the following:
What Is The Best Month To Buy A New Furnace?
You may have been thinking that buying a new furnace in winter would be the best thing to do. The logic is simple: the people who needed furnaces have already bought them to heat their houses in the winter, so the furnace market is running slower in winter. Would you be surprised if we said no? Furnaces are large appliances, and this means that the best time to buy such an appliance is during large appliance clearance dates such as May, September, and October.
Let’s see why these dates are the best:
- May: For one thing, people do not actively look for new furnaces in spring, and there are usually spring sales. People most often turn to AC systems during that time, so furnace purchases fall steeply.
- September/October: Similarly, people are not interested in buying a furnace during those months. It’s still the fall, so many houses do not need heating, which, in turn, means that house owners will not be thinking of changing furnaces any time soon.
Pro Tip #2: What Should I Know Before Buying A New Furnace?
A lot of our clients tell us that they did not know when to buy a furnace and that they did not realize they needed one because their old one got them through the previous winter. Don’t wait until it’s too late to change your furnace. Be vigilant and look for the signs (some of which we mentioned before).
If you have decided to buy a new furnace, here are our tips on what you should be aware of before buying a new furnace.
- Know your Furnace Type: Do you need a single-stage furnace, a two-stage, or a multiple-stage? Multiple-stage furnaces cost more but are more efficient and quiet. Single-stage furnaces are cheaper and have an on-and-off speed, meaning that when it reaches the desired temperature, it turns off. Think of the place you will be installing your furnace: is it your primary residence? Is it a cottage you rarely visit? Also, think of your budget. How much are you willing to spend on a furnace?
- Get the right system: Are you going to get gas, electric, or propane furnaces? Each comes with its advantages and disadvantages. For example, gas furnaces are the most economical but do you have access in your area? If not, you may need an electric furnace, which will also protect you from potential carbon monoxide fumes. You may also consider propane, particularly if you live in an area with frequent power cuts.
- Buy the correct size: Buying a furnace that’s too small or too big for your house may impact performance and temperature levels or incur frequent repair costs. The correct size of the furnace depends on the size of your house, the insulation of the windows and walls, and the climate zone you live in. Obviously, a furnace for a cold climate may be different from a furnace designed for a mixed-dry climate.
- Check the Reviews: Product reviews by other customers can offer great insight into the furnace buying mission you are on. This is especially true and useful if you are buying a furnace online. However, you need to keep in mind that a disgruntled customer may be disgruntled because they have chosen the wrong furnace for their house, and it is not working as efficiently as it would have if it were installed in a house fit for its specifications.
- Get Warranty: Furnaces are major home investments, so you want to buy a furnace with the longest possible warranty it can give you.
Get In Touch With Our Team Today For More Information
Our HVAC contractors at Air Makers know their furnace game inside and out. A simple house inspection will immediately let us know what furnace you need to buy for optimal performance and high efficiency. We hope you will choose the most suitable furnace for your house if you follow our furnace buying guide. Still, we are here for you to help with questions or suggest which furnace works best for you.
Buying a furnace is nothing without its installation so that you can trust us with both! Installing your new furnace is just as important as purchasing the right one. Enjoy a lovely, warm house during the harsh Canadian winter!
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