Emergency Furnace Repairs
When your furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, you need a reliable maintenance team that can come out and repair it right away. Look for a company with years of experience in the industry and one that offers 24/7 emergency service. That way, you’ll know you’re always taken care of.
How Do I Know If My Furnace Needs an Emergency Repair?
When was the last time you had your heating and cooling systems professionally maintained? Most homeowners forget to maintain their furnaces until an emergency requires them to do so. Unfortunately, fires and carbon monoxide poisoning can happen anytime around old, unmaintained heating and cooling systems.
To prevent accidents, it’s best to know when your furnace is due for maintenance or requires emergency repairs. We’ve compiled a list of minor problems and emergency indicators to look out for.
Familiarize yourself with them, so you can take preventive measures and nip issues in the bud before they escalate into major problems.
Leaking Water
A clogged condensate line can cause water to leak from a furnace, resulting in mold spores. To keep your furnace working properly, you must have it cleaned at least once a year.
Turning On & Off Rapidly
Your furnace may turn on and off very rapidly, which is called “short cycling.” This results from an obstruction in either the filter (a minor problem) or the flame sensor (a major problem). If replacing the filter doesn’t fix the problem, have your heating system serviced as soon as possible.
Blowing Cold Air
If you find your furnace working but blowing cold air, it means your furnace isn’t producing any heat. Consider inspecting the air filter, thermostat, pilot light, and breakers.
If the temperature outside is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and you don’t have another heat source, an emergency repair service may be required. This is especially necessary if your heating system has completely broken down or if your furnace is blowing cold air into your house during the winter.
High Energy Bill
Have you been noticing an increase in your energy bills? It could be that a build-up of dust and grime is slowing down the furnace. A professional furnace cleaning will solve the problem and save you money in the long run.
Yellow or Orange Pilot Light
A blue pilot light should be present in a healthy natural gas furnace. If your furnace’s pilot light is yellow or orange, it could be leaking deadly carbon monoxide gas. Turn off the system immediately and contact a repair technician for an emergency repair.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
If a carbon monoxide alarm goes off in your house, it indicates an issue with the heating system’s heat combustion. The heat exchange might be damaged, and the flue may be clogged. Switch off the system immediately and call for emergency servicing.
Excessive Dust
Some dust accumulation is expected in a gas-fired or electric furnace system. When there’s too much dust, or it gathers too rapidly, it might indicate that the furnace is on its last legs. If you live in a cold climate, your pipes may be clogged and frozen during the winter months and may quickly turn into an emergency. If you notice above-average dust levels, call a maintenance specialist right away.
The Smell of Burning Plastic, Smoke, Gas, or Rotten Eggs
A musty smell in your home could simply indicate a dirty air filter or ducts, but if it is accompanied by smoke and odor, there may be combustion gasses emanating from the furnace, which could lead to fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. In such cases, the first step should always be shutting down your furnace and contacting a professional right away.
Irregular Noises
If you hear tapping noises from your furnace, it might be due to an old fan belt or loose ductwork. If it’s not too loud or alarming, it can usually wait for regular business hours or until you can get in touch with a repair service. However, very loud sounds, such as the banging of combustion or a screeching blower motor, usually warrant immediate attention. If you’re not sure about the seriousness of the issue, always err on the side of caution and schedule an emergency repair.
Frequent Furnace Repairs
Your furnace may be breaking down far more frequently of late. The necessity for frequent repairs might indicate the need for a new furnace, or thorough cleaning of a clogged system.
What to Do If Your Furnace Needs Emergency Repair
Shut down your system at the first sign of trouble. Get your family and pets outdoors as soon as possible.
You should also contact a repair firm to place an emergency furnace repair order. Prepare a brief description of the problem, as well as your furnace’s type and model number, so that the technician can come prepared to address your issue right away.
Tips For Regular Furnace Maintenance and Duct Cleaning
We all know that regular maintenance is essential for our homes, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out how often we should be cleaning the air ducts and furnaces. Airmakers Toronto offers some tips to help you remember when it’s time for a furnace tune-up.
If you want a system that runs smoothly and keeps your home free of harmful chemicals, it’s important to schedule regular maintenance services. We recommend annual maintenance for furnaces every 1-2 years (ideally once per year). As for duct cleaning, they can be done at intervals of 3-5 years.
These can be considered minimal maintenance, and you can schedule them more often. Doing so will keep problems at bay.
Duct Cleaning
You can clean your ducts yourself, or enlist the help of a cleaning service.
- Begin by covering the work area with protective coverings, such as newspapers or plastic tarps.
- Remove the register covers and inspect the ductwork.
- Vacuum your air ducts, registers, and vents. Also, thoroughly clean the blower compartment.
- Finally, use a disinfectant spray to clean the heating ducts.
Gas Furnace Maintenance
When it comes to your gas furnace, it’s best to contact a professional for regular maintenance, especially if you’re not familiar with the parts that can be safely cleaned or handled. But, if you know a thing or two about their structure, here are some things you can do:
- Vacuum the burners and the surrounding area
- Examine your chimney for obstructions, broken or damaged parts, and debris
- Clean out flue pipes and look for rust or leaks. Clean out the furnace blower as well
- Check the pilot light, thermocouple, flame sensor, and fuel line
- Check the gas pressure
- Inspect the condensate line and remove any clogs
- Examine the heat exchanger for holes, rust, or obstruction
- Lubricate moving parts
- Examine the thermostat and safety controls
- Check and adjust gas or electrical connections
24/7 Emergency Furnace Repairs In Toronto
Dealing with furnace emergencies can be daunting, but it’s important to take the necessary precautions at the right time. Follow the above tips to ensure your furnace and ducts are properly maintained.
Contact us at Air Makers if you require emergency furnace repairs in Toronto. We offer a wide range of services, from regular maintenance to emergency repairs, so your furnace is up and running in no time.
For more information, visit our website or give us a call at 416-332-2493 today!
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