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High-Efficiency Furnace: Good Investment or Waste of Money? High-Efficiency Furnace: Good Investment or Waste of Money? Every furnace has a lifespan, and when it nears, homeowners have to decide whether to invest in furnace repair or installation. For most people, repair always... Read More May 14th, 2021
Why Does Your Furnace Smell? “Oh no! Did that smell just come from my furnace! What could be wrong with it?” If you notice a weird smell from your furnace, you shouldn’t ignore it or assume that it’s your imagination. Furnaces do a grea... Read More May 3rd, 2021
Why is my Air Conditioner making loud noises? When the summer heat descends upon Toronto, homeowners just want to relax in cool, air-conditioned homes. What happens when the air conditioner, the source of your comfort, starts making strange noises? It’s not uncomm... Read More April 29th, 2021
How to Set Thermostat Temperature in the winter? Most homeowners understand that there is no way they can live without heating and cooling in their homes. Utility bills are an unavoidable part of life. However, you might be surprised to learn that 42-64% of your energy... Read More April 29th, 2021
How Can I Reduce Indoor Humidity? High humidity in your home could damper your health and overall comfort. Humidity makes the summer heat feel worse, making you feel irritable, lethargic, and generally unwell. When most people hear about humidity, they... Read More April 27th, 2021
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